illidan fire resist gear

* Flame Burst - Illidan throws fire upon the entire raid for around 3.5k damage every 10 seconds . For that reason, your raid should aim to kill the Shadowfiends ASAP. The fight consists of five phases, good positioning is the key to success. Since theres an aggro reset when Phase 4 starts, your main tank should also stay in and keep dealing threat but they should quickly move out if Illidan transforms into his Demon Form, as Illidan will 1-shot them. If theres ever a fight to be prepared for, its this one it can last upwards of 10 minutes, with constantly high tank and raid damage, so theyll really need all the help they can get. Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game. on each phase down below. 9 Healers are recommended, but the encounter can be completed with only 8. . Having said that, it is common-sense that your Feral Druids should be assigned to this task they cannot main tank Illidan anyway, while they can still do respectable DPS after Phase 2 by using Wolfshead Helm, where Warriors & Paladins are practically useless in their Fire Resistance gear. Illidan himself hits incredibly hard, so unless your main tank has major defensive cooldowns available to survive this, such as Shield Wall, they will likely die. Illidan has many abilities with which he will attempt to kill your raid. "Go for the eyes Boo! The Flame tanks need two healers each, the remaining 4-5 healers heal the raid. Illidan channels a blue beam from his eyes, targeting the ground. Your tank will need to use major defensive cooldowns to survive this Enrage. 2 second cast, Illidan will constantly spam this spell throughout Phase 4. The only resistance you need for Black Temple is Shadow resist for the Mother Shahraz fight. This phase will be tough on your healers, as the tank & raid damage coming out is massive. The main tank picks Illidan up by simply standing closest to him. Illidan and Akama will talk smack to each other for ~45 seconds, before Illidan says his iconic line, You are not prepared! and finally becomes attackable. Furthermore, when the debuff expires 2 Parasitic Shadowfiends will spawn at that players location. the Flame of Azzinoth will charge that player and trigger Gurtogg Bloodboil Strategy Guide in Black Temple, High Warlord Naj'entus Strategy Guide in Black Temple, Shade of Akama Strategy Guide in Black Temple, 2. Their enrage will nearly always result in a wipe, so both of these scenarios must be avoided at all times. (2 Min Cooldown). Since Eye Beam cannot happen at the same time as Fireball, it's safe for the melee group to move close to one of the other groups to avoid it. Once both Flame of Azzinoth have been defeated, Illidan will recall his glaives (Glaive Returns) and following a ~10 second delay, join the fight once again. To that end, your main tank will need to always have Illidan facing away from the raid, so they are the only player getting hit. Quickly defeat the Flames of Azzinoth in Stage Two of the encounter. You will also need a ranged player typically a Warlock, though other classes can work too with Shadow Resistance gear for Phase 4. Players finally have the chance to fight the Betrayer upon reaching the Temple Summit, the final section of the Black Temple raid, accessible only after defeating the Illidari Council. Periodically, the tank has to move to get out of Flame Crash. Simply find the trap that has been dropped by A majority of that damage will be of the Shadow school, so having a Priest using his Prayer of Shadow Protection on your raid will also help a lot. After both However, Illidan will transition to Phase 5 if you get him down to 30% HP before that, allowing you to skip Phase 4 altogether. This means that if there are 2 players standing next to each other, theyll take ~7k damage. blade. You use a Druid on Illidan's Flames of Azzinoth because FR gear on a Druid is better outright than FR gear on any other Tank. Illidan will transition to phase 2 once he reaches 65% HP. only used in a certain phase. throughout the entire fight. The time has come to face Illidan, . As mentioned previously, besides your regular main tank, your raid will need 2 more tanks using Fire Resistance gear for Phase 2. A setup with five groups results in a cross pattern - one group in the exact center of the circle, and one N, E, S, W, each 6 yards away from the center group. Maiev Shadowsong and drag the boss over it to stun him for a brief time. Unlike Feral Druids, plate tanks dont have a reason to avoid using a Fire Resistance item in the Head slot, so they can instead use the Flamebane Helm enchanted with Glyph of Fire Warding, which is very efficient. Fireball, while still being mindful of the warglaives' positions. Therefore slow DPS when he gets close to 30% in phase 4. When Illidan is at 30% health or below, the raid gets imprisoned for 30 seconds and a small cut-scene takes place, and the fight continues with Phase 5. Valarkin-pagleJune 3, 2021, 5:49pm If Illidan targets the side that melee DPS players are on with it, they should move to the other Flame of Azzinoth or simply stop stealing damage if the other Flame is dead. This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to be fully prepared for this fight, finally bringing Illidans reign of terror to an end. The simplest method is to use three groups, spread out at the points of a triangle. Resistable spells Hunter: Explosive Trap, Immolation Trap Mage: Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flamestrike, Pyroblast, Dragon's Breath Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot. 2. Killing However, if the demons target your ranged DPS players or your ranged DPS isnt the best, your melee DPS will have to step in as the demons approach their target, which can get very messy, particularly if Illidan decides to cast Flame Burst at a bad time. InriSejenus 6 mo. Supremus Illidan has no (known) hard Enrage timer. Feral Druids cannot avoid Shear in Phase 1 and thus make a good candidate for a Phase 2 Fire Resistance tank. There is nothing to do about it than heal through. Each tank must keep his Flame faced away from the raid at all times, while at the same time staying close enough to the Blades of Azzinoth. In addition to the tanking requirements, some of the phases will require vastly The main problem is that while Maiev will generally pick spots near Illidan, she may occasionally pick one on the opposite side, which makes moving him there extremely tough. Flame of Azzinoth, simply change targets to the other one. then summoned. Illidan himself hits extremely hard, so their life will already be pretty difficult, so here is a condensed explanation of how to deal with them: Your main tank will always be the only person getting hit by Draw Soul if youre executing the strategy right. Additionally, Maiev Shadowsong enters the battle. killed. Fire Resistance Gear for Feral Tank Druids While doing Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, it is possible you will need some Fire Resistance gear, especially for Ragnaros and Vaelastrasz the Corrupt. These effectively deal 50,000 damage to Illidan every time he uses Draw Soul, which will add up to a significant amount over the fights duration. It's a good idea to place all AoE capable damage dealers within AoE range of Illidan, so that they can AoE the demons right when they spawn, while they're still snared. Upon reaching 65% health, Illidan takes flight and throws the Warglaives of Azzinoth to the ground, each of which unleashes a Flame. It is recommended that you have at least 5-6 healers for this fight, with a good balance of tank healing classes like Holy Paladins and Restoration Druids, and AoE healing classes like Restoration Shamans and Holy Priests. Phase one of Illidan is a fairly straightforward boss fight. 1. This means that you will want a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin as the main tank for this fight, as they can easily reach this amount by using Shield Block or Holy Shield respectively. Thus, a tank that manages to reach a total of 101.8% total dodge, parry and block, will be guaranteed to avoid this attack. Draw Soul is frequently cast right after a Flame Crash. Illidan will target a random player in the raid and apply a debuff to them lasting 10 seconds, dealing 3000 Shadow damage to them every 2 seconds. If players get separated from the Flame by the residual (blue) fire from Eye Beam, they should wait until they're at full health and then dash through the fire. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina multiple different phases which require vastly different strategies. Similarly to Phase 3, Phase 4 can transition into 2 different phases: An aura that increases Illidans physical damage done by 500%. accordingly. You can use the Cage Trap to mitigate the Enrage somewhat, as Illidan stops attacking for 15 seconds, but its still recommended that your tanks use cooldowns to survive. Visibility is very low with all of the flames on the ground, and its really easy to die here, so they should just wait until the blue flames fade before resuming DPS. DISCLAIMER Inferno Hardened Gloves: 52 stamina, 40 fire resistance. a barrage of different spells that the raid needs to be ready to handle Blizzard This is a 10-yard AoE . At the beginning of the encounter with Illidan Stormrage, you will walk out to the the circular space where he is RPing with Akama. into the air and Phase 2 will begin. Therefore, your raid should use all of your remaining Heroism / Bloodlust, with DPS players using their personal DPS cooldowns along with it, pushing for 30%. attackable and engage your raid. very high consistent shadow damage to his highest aggro target. Illidan cannot cast any of his other spells while channeling Eye Blast. In my free time I play Switch games, particularly JRPGs. While Illidan is stunned, he will take double damage. and mind your threat. Your ranged DPS and healers will never have to worry about it, as none of the patterns travel through the middle, where they should be standing. No injuries reported. The pieces we list below are the ones that grant significant Fire Resistance and do not drop from the raids themselves. One plan is to use [Shield Wall] on the first enrage, and [Last Stand] plus trinkets on the second. The pieces we list below are the ones that grant significant Fire Resistance and do not drop from the raids themselves. Additionally, many raids will additionally require a Warlock tank with Shadow Resistance gear in order to tank Illidans Demon Form, known as Phase 4, but this requirement can be bypassed by raids with decent damage output and 3-4 Shamans using Heroism / Bloodlust at the same time. this cuts his healing in half from this spell. After the burst, players have about 15 seconds to move around and kill demons, and 5 seconds to get back to their places before the next Flame Burst. If you handled Phase 2 successfully, Phase 3 will be an absolute breeze. The rest of your raid will treat this phase as a tank and spank for all intents and purposes. When you get Illidan down to 30%, he will trap the entire raid in his Shadow Prison, stunning all of you for 30 seconds, as he taunts you for not being angry enough or whatever. Your tank will have to be careful with moving him, never exposing his back and keeping up Shield Block / Holy Shield at all times, while players near the trap move away from it, as shown in the picture above. 60% and you will most likely die to the next autoattack. break down how to best approach this fight and the tactics needed to achieve This starting damage is not a big deal and will be easy to heal through. Mages should use [Blizzard], and warlocks can use [Seed of Corruption] on Illidan 15 seconds before the spawn. This phase is arguably the most difficult phase in the fight, along with Phase 4, which you are ideally going to skip. Congratulations on besting Illidan! For this reason, it's safest to assign the melee damage dealers to one group and keep them at their place, only attacking a Flame when it moves close enough. The raid will want to split up Your ranged DPS & healers will need to split up into 3 groups of 5-6 people and stack up on top of each other in the north, west and east ends of the grate. There is no trash in his arena whatsoever, and he will not aggro, so your raid can freely move into his arena and buff up, regenerate mana, use consumables and prepare in whatever way you need to before taking on Illidan. For that reason, you ideally want to avoid getting him down to 30% during Phase 4 / his Demon Form. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mother Shahraz Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer, needs no introduction, being arguably the most famous character in the entire Warcraft franchise, next to the other big bad, Arthas, the Lich King. Fire Resist Prot Paladin is a gear set from World of Warcraft. One player should constantly keep an eye on Illidan and announce whether he's flying over the east or west side (so that the tank on that side can move away from the two possible Eye Beam traces). Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. If you have 1 of each, it is recommended that you have the Protection Paladin pick up Fire Resistance gear while the Protection Warrior main tanks Illidan, as their strong defensive cooldowns give them a small edge there. After 60 seconds of Phase 3 or 5, Illidan will fall down on the floor for 10 seconds, before turning into his Demon Form. The city funded two more locations at Roosevelt and Southside community centers, which closed in 2021 when a contract with LifeMoves expired.In November 2021, a temporary safe parking program in . Illidan will cast Shadow Blast on his highest-threat target, Cast every ~90 seconds. Phase Three is exactly the same as Phase One, except the raid should now be The first major complication of this phase will come ~40 seconds in, when Illidan stops casting Fireball temporarily, casting his powerful Eye Blast instead. Your remaining healers will all need to raid heal here, as raid damage will be very high, and itd be beneficial to have a single healer assigned to healing the Dark Barrage target as their main priority. phase as Aura of Dread will quickly kill anyone in melee range of the This makes killing him significantly easier, particularly if you stun him while hes Enraged. Phase 3 introduces two new 25 man Raids, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal. No thru traffic. Plate: Inferno Tempered Boots: 36 stamina, 45 fire . Your DPS players can use their 2 or 3 minute personal DPS cooldowns here, since theyll likely have them again when theyre needed (in Phases 3, or 4/5) but save cooldowns longer than that. Mobikon-atiesh February 19, 2021, 10:02pm #17 Here's what the Moonkin Form ability reads: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form. The fight consists of five phases, and good positioning is the key to success. Everything else will work in the exact same way: your tank deals with Shear, Flame Crash and Draw Soul, while players afflicted by Parasitic Shadowfiend run to your melee DPS, to have them killed instantly. Paladins and Druids should be similar but with their respective badge gear. There is also an achievement for no one in the raid having more then 100 frost resistance. Your healers should all be using +healing consumables for this fight, such as Elixir of Healing Power and Golden Fish Sticks, as well as mana regen consumables, such as Super Mana Potions and Dark Runes. The fight consists of five phases, and good positioning is the key to success. at once. tutorial on everything you need to know to be prepared for this foe. Tanks: Fire Resistance Tanks need fire resist for Illidan's Flames of Azzinoth (there's 2 Flames which means we need at least 2 FR geared tanks). Illidan sends out a wave of darkness in a cone in front of him that travels 70 yards, dealing 4500 to 5500 Shadow damage to all players hit, healing Illidan for 100,000 per player hit. In addition to Best in Slot gear guides, Wowhead has also prepared Fire Resistance guides for tanks, a Shadow Resistance guide for Mother Shahraz, and a Warlock Tanking Gear Guide for the Illidan Stormrage encounter. Illidan Stormrage is the final boss of the Black Temple. ability must never hit you without blocking, or your max HP will be reduced by Melee DPS and tanks cannot attack Illidan and should thus move to the back of the room, giving your ranged DPS players enough room to spread out. Flame of Azzinoth are dead, Phase Two will end and Phase Three will Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. 20 badges. Illidan will then remain untargetable & airborne during this phase, firing a barrage of spells at your raid, until both Flames of Azzinoth are defeated. Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. It will therefore be imperative that your Fire Resistance tanks move them around very slowly, so the flames dont get too close to your group, while also giving your melee DPS a chance to attack them. If the AoE is performed well, it's possible to kill all the Demons within a few seconds after they spawn, this has the additional advantage that nobody needs to move out of position. First kills (prior to patch 3.0.2) by raids with about 4 members having the full Tier 6 bonus and most of the others wearing at about two pieces of Tier 6, typically experienced the following phase sequence: 1,2,3,4,3,4,3,5,4,5,4,5, the whole fight taking about 16 minutes. Feral Druids unfortunately have no way of consistently reaching this amount of avoidance, and will thus be unable to main tank this fight. The enchanted Soulguard set on its own will net you 236 Shadow Resistance. Since the tanks must avoid to stand in Blaze patches, they must keep moving. Phases 2 and 4 both have very high raid damage; Two homes are involved. of fire, and anyone debuffed by Parasitic Shadowfiend will run to the (lore) Some day I'll be making my own games and I humbly hope you play those too! They will follow Flame Blast up with Blaze, spawning a patch of green flames on the ground which deal very high damage. This fight is arguably the most healing intensive in the entire tier, and will require your healers to remain focused throughout, following precise healing assignments to avoid accidental deaths. Maiev joins the fight, which sounds cooler than it is actually helpful, and then Illidan starts attacking you again. different playstyles to safely overcome this fight. Illidan cannot cast other spells while casting Dark Barrage. During Phase 2, melee DPS need to be mindful of all fire on the ground, as This fight will require 2 tanks with Fire Resistance gear, as The two off-tanks each pick up one of the flames. This debuff can stack up 99 times, making it extremely obvious that nobody should be near Illidan. Phase Five is exactly the same as Phases One and Three, except the tank Players inside the blue flames will take 2000 Fire damage per second. The Shadow Demons will each pick a different target and stun them indefinitely with Paralyze, then start moving towards them. Your raid will pick one of the 2 Flames of Azzinoth and focus it down. The actual AoE is about 2 yards wider than the graphic. a separate guide dedicated to helping you out with this important job. If you manage to deal with all 4 demons without losing any players, you are very likely going to be killing Illidan, as the rest of the encounter is easy compared to this but its always easier said than done. on random raid members, be sure to quickly top them up. There's been a few questions on what to get so hopefully this helps out. before DPSing as being in the wrong spot can easily get you and others If it looks like you are barely going to not get him down to 30% before Phase 4 starts, keep nuking him. The Flame of Azzinoth sends out a wave of flames in a cone front of it which travels up to 15 yards, dealing 7000 to 9000 Fire damage to all players in front of it. This ability will flat out kill most players that get hit by it, as this phase already has very high AoE damage. Shear Illidan Stormrage requires a warlock with capped shadow resistance. Yes, Bears and Moonkin give Auras. assigned positions, so make sure to prioritize getting into the correct position Illidan. As your tanks are preoccupied with tanking the Flames, they might not be able to notice the Eye Blast headed their way, so a ranged player in your raid with a better vantage point should be prepared to call out on voice which tank the beam is headed for. Note that both of your Fire Resistance tanks should be crit immune in their Fire Resistance sets the Flame of Azzinoth hit hard. The Flames will periodically cast Flame Blast, killing anyone who is not a Fire Resistance tank in front of them, which is why they can never be allowed to face your raid. To maximize the effectiveness of [Chain Heal] and [Circle of Healing], it's a good idea to set up in several tightly clustered groups. If your Warlock tanking Illidan happens to get targeted by a Shadow Demon, you will need to kill that demon before all others. Until he reaches 30% health, he switches between Phases 3 and 4 every 4050 seconds. It's easy to stack fire. Use: Shows the location of all nearby demons on the minimap until cancelled. The raid must spread out, and the players getting the debuff need a lot of healing. Illidan Warlock tank overview. A spell from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. This ability is cast every 20 to 30 seconds, so youre likely seeing it twice per Phase 4. Note that the damage of the residual flames isnt particularly high, so players that are trapped on one side of the flames can run through with some light healing. Phase Five starts when Illidan reaches 30%. With experience, raids can work out a technique to allow the melee damage dealers some movement. at the top of the Black Temple. Re: Illidan - warlock & Flames of Azzinoth tanks.. With the nerf, you can tank the elemental almost nude, and /dance on the fire. This phase is the most difficult of the whole encounter, therefore all DPS enhancing cooldowns ( [Heroism]/ [Bloodlust] etc.) Phase Two is probably the hardest phase of the fight, requiring 2 tanks with As gear gets better, a paladin aura or shaman totem should suffice. Its was also useful when fighting Mages or Warlocks who leaned toward fire-based spells. Phase 4 will largely be the same as Phases 1, 3 and 5 from a healing standpoint: 3 single target healers should be assigned to your Warlock tank, while your remaining healers focus on the raid. (lore) This positioning makes it very easy for your Restoration Shamans and Holy Priests to heal all of the incoming raid damage. Phase 5 Illidan will Enrage temporarily, greatly increasing Furthermore, a trail of blue Demon Fire will follow his eye beam, persisting for 75 seconds and dealing 2k Fire damage per second to anyone who touches them. 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