signs that an aquarius man is not into you

You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. As time has gone one I try to talk and bring things up and I get met with that doesnt interest him to discuss. He told me many times to not give up on him and dont let him go before the breakup, but when I tried to hold him back, he was being very cold hearted and did not want me to see him or touch him. I dont know if he is testing or what. Has your Aquarius man gone silent and stopped answering your texts? A man who is attracted to you will be more confident in bringing her around the house and showing off around other people. The Aquarius man isnt good at being cryptic. If he isnt asking you questions then you need to go ahead and bring up topics yourself and tell him all you can about you. All you can really do is make yourself happy. Hence, when they tell you about an emotion even in the smallest way be aware that this is him showing you that he trusts you. He is using you to unhealthily cope with his personal problems. He aggressively opened up telling me I am scaring him, I am nean. You think you know an Aquarius man, but the next thing you find him to be cruel and mean-spirited. If hes not over someone from the past and into you, you should be onto other fish! Ahh you held out an expectation of what he was going to do when he got a job and now because he didnt do that, you feel jilted. Im confused. WebThe Aquarius man is under the sign of friendship and trust. There is much to be learned about him but I can tell you that patience is what is required to make it work with him. Me and my Aquarius man barley talk anymore. He has to fix it himself. We used to talk and be obsessed with each other. Me and my Aquarius man had an argument due to communication breakdown and he wants to breakup. And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. He said that Im not patient enough and I dont make enough time for him. One of the worst qualities of an Aquarius man is his stubborn streak it can be so annoying to deal with! 7. Doesnt Show You Off. Back off and make him miss you. Hell take this as youre chasing him, and things will not go well for you. Perhaps there is something you two can do together that will make him feel more excited again. PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. A car plunged into a Broward County canal early Tuesday evening. He might also test you for your strength of will and independence. You wont know what his whereabouts are and you will quickly get the idea that he is trying to avoid you. He may be going through a transformation of some sort or something else that has nothing to do with you or the relationship. An Aquarius man seeks constant social stimulation, and he wont ask just anyone to chill with him alone. He has been making work excuses. Dont take that personally. His zodiac sign is Aquarius, meaning hes very independent and individualistic. I wouldnt tell him everything but tell him enough that he finds interesting. After such an insident he stopped video calling, started to be busy at work, he would take hours to respond on my text, only answer some questions or ignore others. He may be acting this way because hes not interested in spending time with you or because he has someone else waiting for him at home. 9. The lowdown on his boredom: When he is bored, it is really no good this means he has lost all interest in you. Exploring peculiar things with you 3. The man chose to receive his winnings as a one-time, lump-sum payment of $695,500. Gee sorry to hear that. And no, he isnt playing hard to get, because he simply doesnt operate that way. What if I told you there is still hope for you and your Aquarius man? For any woman that gets involved with an Aquarius man, she has to have lots of patience. His stubbornness in a nutshell: He disagrees and is inflexible because he doesnt think you are worth the effort of compromising. He probably has his eye on someone else or hes in a rush to get home and do what he wants to do. He just loves to give back to humanity. It is extremely frustrating and can drive the sanest woman totally crazy, of that, I am 100% sure. When someone is nearing the end of life, they experience a variety of symptoms. Both houses of parliament quickly ratified Putins bill on the pacts suspension last week. An Aquarius man will use you in order to get what he wants. A weird, new way to figure out what to do next is to get advice from the Psychic Love Robot. If that is not enough for you then you will have to ask him to find a compromise with you otherwise, you have to figure out a way to be alright with how he is. 4 Reasons Why Aquarius Is The Most Complicated Lover In The Zodiac, Be independent and have an interesting life to share, Show him that you can be unconventional and that you have an open mind, Dont put pressure on him to connect with you emotionally you need to be patient, Try to be his friend first before taking the romantic route, Try to be more mysterious and always keep him guessing. Hes not afraid to voice his beliefs and wants to take risks in life with new ideas that are different than whats currently accepted norms. If youre looking for more information then please continue reading, I am sure you will find this extremely helpful and perhaps it will help you to stop wasting your time! When an Aquarius man is interested in you, youll know it. Hes rather straightforward, so the best thing to do is just in some way let him know that youre interested. Otherwise, he may be none the wiser, thus, ignoring you just due to a lack of ignorance of the situation. Is this a sign i should stop dating Aquarians? Hes not the type of person who instantly commands the attention of everyone in a room, nor is he overly charming. Besides i cannot force someone to stay.. But then he said since you want to know I dont think so. Aquarius men are intelligent, independent, and fascinating individuals. Spend quality time with him when you can then understand when he needs to be alone, he needs to be alone. I try not to nag him with a million questions but hes so hot and cold and sucks when it comes to communication. That is his own journey and you cant really do anything about it except to be patient. In the case that an Aquarius man has an interest in you and suddenly acts as though you dont exist, then he doesnt like you anymore. The more of them you notice, the higher the chances that youre being used by a man you like. Your Aquarius might not initiate close physical contact like a hug or cuddle session, but pay attention to smaller casual touches. I dont get why he broke it off out of the blue without telling me months before. I overthink a lot and I have been doing it for a whole year, he has seen me at my very worst and surprisingly he is still by my side.. ( now this is long distance , only had sex once, and no money is involved like he dont ask for anything) I only mention about money because of my past.. he has never once argued with me. I write about the intersection of life and love: how spirituality has changed my relationships, what I do to cultivate love in my life, and why I believe that all relationships are spiritual. He is fighting with you because he is trying to push you away and wants you to call it quits. Hes rather straightforward, so the best thing to do is just in some way let him know that youre interested. I come home thought all was fine and then here he is pushing back but still here. In astrology, the sign that most Either he will avoid you like the plague if he doesnt like you or hell be a verbal mess and tell you he doesnt like you. If an Aquarius man just wants to hook up with you, itll be very obvious based on the way he treats you in bed. Even if youre excited to go out with him, he will make an excuse for why he cant make it or comes up with a last-minute plan that pulls him away. If you give him space, then he might come back and pretend as if nothing happened, but then it is up to you to decide if you are willing to put up with this terrible behavior or not. You ask a question and then share additional information about your situation. He doesnt let you enter his personal life Did you know that this guy is extremely private when it comes to his 2. Yes Aquarius man wants what he wants and no one can tell him differently. If an Aquarius man does not like you hell not ask anything I am so attracted to him such that cant imagine losing him for good. Perhaps an Aquarius man is being too obvious but you just cant see it since youre so in love with him. When an Aquarius man isnt interested in you, he can be rather evasive and non-committal. You are likely a trusted and valuable friend to him. There is truly only one thing you can do when an Aquarius man stops texting you back, and that is to mirror his behavior. 10) Hell start going out more often. I have tried numerous time to schedule to see him, he sometimes cancel and doesnt make any effort to reschedule which was one of the issues we were having. It is the little daily things that make life worth living and I know how to put you in the right perspective. He would sometimes get upset if I didnt reply for days saying hes worried. He enjoys exploring new things with you 4. Aquarius men are known for being flaky, but if this behavior starts happening more often, its a sign that he doesnt see a future with you. Hello, I have been with acqurious for 3 months now. We dont spend much time together, but it has became more recently. You need to learn more about him before you go forward honey. The planet that governs everything with strict rules and regulations. Read for more details of the games Aquarius men play and how he might test you. When I dont here from him I do say alot of mean things to him. Ofc when we first started talking he suggested that we should be friends because I need to love myself again which was true I was full of insecurities from my past.. plus he said (he wasnt ready for a relationship..he did just get out of a 3 year relationship where the girl left him and he also said that he dont think he deserve me ) but I ignored it .. Ik he has his own insecurities himself and dont love himself fully anyway.. there was definitely still a lot more drama with my ex but he helped through it all. Top 8 Signs Aquarius man Falling for You 1. Trust me, I have had Aquarius dates (despite my insistence on the first weeks). I would create problems that dont exist. Maybe hes always having to work and he just doesnt have time for you. I think hes overreacting due to his issues mentally right now with the depression. Of course, there are! WebWhen it comes to sex, the Aquarius man is a non-conformist. You dont want to waste your time on someone who doesnt see value in physical intimacy! The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On February 9, 2023. The Aquarius man exudes these qualities when he likes you. You two need to talk things through or youre not going to get anywhere. There are also other Aquarius men for the taking if you insist on having one. I dont think hes lost interest but you may need to give him some time and space to sort himself out. Planned to move in, babies and then it just gradually went off for no reason. Aquarius men are intelligent. If that Libra man in your life isnt doing this, this is a sign that hes not to the point where he finds you irresistible. The thing you need to understand about Aquarius men is that they have a really hard time relating to romantic relationships, all the emotions and feelings overwhelm their highly intellectual brain a bit too much. I am a Gemini/Cancer (cusp) and my Aquarius friend have been seeing each other for about 5 months. True everyone knows how an Aquarius is and being insecure will make it difficult anyway from we broke up we still communicated but he did get busy with work so less talking but I swear when we first met he told me that he would start getting busy and when we did hang out he gave me all his time and attention fast forward I asked him to be my best-friend and he agreed .. he says Im still his fav person which I was surprised because of all the stress I put onto him I ask myself how is that possible. A sure-fire sign that an Aquarius man has feelings for you is that he wont shy away from commitment. They are often not really in touch with their feelings, and find it hard to open up. The retailer will receive a $2,000 bonus commission for selling the winning Scratch-Off ticket. In the past I have been hurt my ex he cheated on me , lied all the time, block me etc then I met my Aquarius .. How can he disappoint me like this? His stubbornness is a clear sign an Aquarius man is losing interest. And he agreed to meeting my parents when I go back to visit him which will be in a couple months .. If hes analyzed you as a person and how you may or may not fit in his life, he will respond accordingly. I love him and I tend to over communicate, how can we meet at a common ground and allow our relationship to blossom? Sadly he was even more worried how toxic would be our relationship once we are intimate. However, you need to take a booty call from an Aquarius at face value. Yet its about things he enjoys doing and going. He is always making plans and thinking one step ahead of everyone else, so it isnt uncommon for him to talk about the future. I dont know if you two were sexual or not but Im assuming so. As a rule, the Aquarius man isnt the warmest person in the world. Aquarius men are in love with their freedom. He is just far too cerebral and in his own head to exude that warmth and affection you might expect from someone you are in a relationship with. Friends enjoy keeping up with friends right? What happens when you send love energy to someone? His 13 year past relationship endet bcs of him not wanting to get married and have kids. And this is not a huge red flag if hes otherwise truly interested in you! However, when he becomes really disinterested in a lover, he tends to hold back and becomes quite cheap. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor. Im the opposite. Ive often heard clients say to me that their Aquarius man says they miss them, but then disappear into nowhere. Most men will have sex with a woman quickly after meeting them. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with. He may enjoy your company and will have your friendship, but dont expect more than that! He deffinetly keeps me hanging on but very small amounts. The last thing you want to do is bombard him with texts and make him feel overwhelmed by your neediness. He does not engage in an in-depth conversation. He includes you in his adventures. This can be a very scary experience because you never know when hes going to blow up. His coldness, the lowdown: When an Aquarius man doesnt care that he is being heartless and cruel, he has likely lost his feelings for you. Learning communication may help you salvage what you feel you have lost. After all my years of experience with Relationship Astrology, I still sometimes scratch my head trying to figure out why Aquarius men run so hot and cold. Of course this comes after I told him I wanted to get to know him better and spend more time with him yesterday. They can answer questions like, Does he like me? If he continues to be stubborn and inflexible with you, then you might as well cut your losses with this guy. He said he wants to see me but he cant physically do it? You may have tried to play a role to make him more interested in you. Otherwise, it might help you to learn more about them. Yesterday I confronted him about of his flings calling him and he said there is nothing between them that I nag too much and he prefer when we were in a long distance relation now the fight is getting to him and he isnt excited like before whenecer I say I am coming over.I should go out and have fun. It depends on what his integrity level is at the time. So I stop by we hang out for a little bit, had some what weird silents between us. Its good he came back to help with the kids and you get along with the other things as well. Then he doesnt actually care if you dont like him or not. Maybe then hell ask you more. It could give you more insight to the heart of the Aquarius man. You as a person and how you may or may not fit his. 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signs that an aquarius man is not into you