progressive insurance eob explanation codes

A six week healing period is required after last extraction, prior to obtaining impressions for denture. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the SeventhDiagnosis Code. Cannot Be Reprocessed Unless There Is Change In Eligibility Status. Service Denied. Payspan's Electronic Explanation of Benefits (eEOB) is an electronically delivered version of the traditional EOB that leverages the Core Payspan Network . HMO Payment Equals Or Exceeds Hospital Rate Per Discharge. Procedure Code billed is not appropriate for members gender. Claim Denied. Condition Code is missing/invalid or incorrect for the Revenue Code submitted. Denied due to Member Is Eligible For Medicare. Home Health services for CORE plan members are covered only following an inpatient hospital stay. One or more Diagnosis Codes has an age restriction. Please correct and resubmit. The Insurance EOB Does Not Correspond To The Dates Of Service/servicesBeing Billed. Please Furnish A NDC Code And Corresponding Description. Billed Procedure Not Covered By WWWP. Denied. 614 Investigating Other Insurance For COB or MVA. Service Denied. Member Is Eligible For Champus. The Competency Test Date On The Request Does Not Match The CNAs Test Date OnThe WI Nurse Aide Registry. Pharmaceutical care reimbursement for tablet splitting is limited to three permonth, per member. Documentation Indicates That Client Is Able To Direct Cares And Can Safely Direct A PCW. Pricing Adjustment/ Prescription reduction applied. Restorative Nursing Involvement Should Be Increased. The Services Requested Do Not Meet Criteria For An Acute Episode. . Medicare paid amount(s) have been incorrectly applied to both the claim headerand details. It Must Be In MM/DD/YY FormatAnd Can Not Be A Future Date. Quantity Billed is restricted for this Procedure Code. any discounts the provider applied to that amount. Incorrect Liability Start/end Dates Or Dollar Amounts Must Be Corrected Through County Social Services Agency Before Claim/Adjustment/Reconsideration RequestCan be Processed. The Value Code(s) submitted require a revenue and HCPCS Code. Frequency or number of injections exceed program policy guidelines. OTHER INSURANCE AMOUNT GREATER THAN OR . Another PNCC Has Billed For This Member In The Last Six Months. Research Has Determined That The Member Does Not Qualify For Retroactive Eligibility According To Hfs 106.03(3)(b) Of The Wisconsin Administrative Code. After reviewing your EOB: You can appeal The action you take if you don't agree with a decision made about your benefit. Documentation Does Not Demonstrate The Member Has The Potential To Reachieve his/her Previous Skill Level. WI Can Not Issue A NAT Payment Without A Valid Hire Date. Information Required For Claim Processing Is Missing. This Revenue Code has Encounter Indicator restrictions. Procedue Code is allowed once per member per calendar year. Remark Code Description: additional explanation of the Remark or Discount Code will appear in this section. Member enrolled in QMB-Only Benefit plan. Requires A Unique Modifier. Services Not Provided Under Primary Provider Program. Individual Vaccines And Combination Vaccine Code May Not Be Billed For The Same Dates Of ervice. (These discounts are for in-network providers only. employer. Multiple Unloaded Trips For Same Day/same Recip. Third modifier code is invalid for Date Of Service(DOS). Amount Paid By Other Insurance Exceeds Amount Allowed By . need eob for each carrier indicated on resource file 1 251 n4 286 034 22 mod.not justified 22 not justified/paid at unmodified rate 3 150 047 035 rebill correct hcpc asc,op fac/phys.billed diff code;rebill correct hcpc 2 16 . WCDP member enrolled in Medicare Part D. Claim is excluded from Drug Rebate Invoicing. Denied due to Prescription Number Is Missing Or Invalid. The topic of Requirements for Compression Garments can be found in the Claims Section, Submission Chapter. Up to a $1.10 reduction has been applied to this claim payment. Personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Member eligibility file indicates that BadgerCare Plus Benchmark, CorePlan or Basic Plan member. This Check Automatically Increases Your 1099 Earnings. Please Request Prior Authorization For Additional Days. Medicare Coinsurance Amount Was Not Provided On Crossover Claim. NFs Eligibility For Reimbursement Has Expired. The revenue code and HCPCS code are incorrect for the type of bill. PIP coverage is typically available in no-fault automobile insurance . File an appeal within 90 days of the date of the EOB notice. Payment Subject To Pharmacy Consultant Review. Ongoing assessment is not reimbursable when skilled nursing visits have been performed within the past sixty days. The Reimbursement Code Assigned To This CNA Does Not Authorize A NAT Payment. Adjustment Denied For Insufficient Information. Prior authorization requests for this drug are not accepted. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to a Department Of Justice Settlement. Dispensing replacement parts and complete appliance on same Date Of Service(DOS) not Allowed. Records Indicate This Tooth Has Previously Been Extracted. Contact Provider Services For Further Information. Level, Intensity Or Extent Of Service(s) Requested Has Been Modified Consistent With Medical Need As Defined In The Plan Of Care. Pricing Adjustment/ Revenue code flat rate pricing applied. If correct, special billing instructions apply. The Screen Date Must Be In MM/DD/CCYY Format. services you received. One or more Diagnosis Code(s) is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). The Request Has Been Back datedto Date of Receipt. Change . Revenue Code 0001 Can Only Be Indicated Once. This Explanation of Benefits (EOB) lists the dental services provided, the dates of services and the amount filed on your insurance claim for services provided on those dates. There Is Evidence That The Member Is Not Detoxified From Alcohol And/or Other Drugs and is Therefore Not Currently Eligible For AODA Day Treatment. Pricing Adjustment/ Usual & Customary Charge (UCC) flat fee pricing applied. This Member, As Indicated By Narrative History, Does Not Agree To Abstinence from Alcohol Or Other Drugs And Is Ineligible For AODA Treatment. This Member Has Completed Primary Intensive Services And Is Now Only Eligible For after Care/follow-up Hours. Denied due to Statement Covered Period Is Missing Or Invalid. Denied/Cutback. Correct And Resubmit. A Google Certified Publishing Partner. A Payment Has Already Been Issued For This SSN. Pricing Adjustment/ Prior Authorization pricing applied. WorkCompEDI, Inc. DX Of Aphakia Is Required For Payment Of This Service. Claim Is Pended For 60 Days. The Narrative History Does Not Indicate the Members Functioning is Impaired due To AODA Usage. Six Week Healing Time Is Required Between Endentulation And Final Impressions.Payment For Dentures Will Be Denied Or Recouped If Healing Period Is Not Observed. Incidental modifier is required for secondary Procedure Code. Surgical Procedures May Only Be Billed With A Whole Number Quantity. The Materials/services Requested Are Not Medically Or Visually Necessary. Occurrence Codes 50 And 51 Are Invalid When Billed Together. Multiple Prescriptions For Same Drug/ Same Fill Date, Not Allowed. Multiple Tooth Extract On Same Date Of Service(DOS) Must Be Billed As Single And Additional Tooth Extract In Same Quadrant. Please Bill Appropriate PDP. Please Use This Claim Number For Further Transactions. Claim reduced to fifteen Hospital Bedhold Days for stays exceeding fifteen days. Revenue code submitted is no longer valid. The Diagnosis Code Is Not Valid On This Date Of Service(DOS). Services on this claim were previously partially paid or paid in full. Reimbursement For This Service Is Included In The Transportation Base Rate. Unable To Process This Request Because The Competency Test Date And TrainingCompletion Date Fields Are Blank. your coverage was still in effect . 3. Patient Status Code is incorrect for Long Term Care claims. The Member Has Been Totally Without Teeth And An Appliance For 5 Years. This notice gives you a summary of your prescription drug claims and costs. OFFHDR2014. Please Correct And Resubmit. NFs Eligibility For Reimbursement Has Expired. Sixth Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. Correct Claim Or Submi Paper Claim Noting That Verification Has Occurred. Two Informational Modifiers Required When Billing This Procedure Code. Service(s) paid in accordance with program policy limitation. NDC- National Drug Code is not covered on a pharmacy claim. Excessive height and/or weight reported on claim. The Member Has Shown No Ability Within 6 Months To Carry Over Abilities GainedFrom Treatment In A Facility To The Members Place Of Residence. Service Denied. X-rays and some lab tests are not billable on a 72X claim. With Accident Forgiveness (not available in CA, CT, and MA) on your GEICO auto insurance policy, your insurance rate won't go up as a result of your first at-fault accident.. Actual Cash Value. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Third Diagnosis Code. Progressive will accept records via Fax. Service Not Covered For Members Medical Status Code. The website provides additional information about auto insurance in New York State. Please Disregard Additional Informational Messages For This Claim. Member is assigned to an Inpatient Hospital provider. Detail Rendering Provider certification is cancelled for the Date Of Service(DOS). This claim/service is pending for program review. If required information is not received within 60 days, the claim will be. Only non-innovator drugs are covered for the members program. This service is not payable with another service on the same Date Of Service(DOS) due to National Correct Coding Initiative. What your insurance agreed to pay. Claim Denied For No Provider Agreement On File Or Not Certified For Date Of Service(DOS). An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Diagnosis Code in posistion 10 through 24. Denied. 2. Complex Care Services Are Limited To One Per Date Of Service(DOS) Per Member. Medicare Allowed Amount Was Incorrect Or Not Provided On Crossover Claim. DME rental beyond the initial 30 day period is not payable without prior authorization. A Training Payment Has Already Been Issued To A Different NF For This CNA. Unable To Process This Request Due To Either Missing, Invalid OrMismatched National Provider Identifier # (NPI)/Provider Name/POP ID. Day Treatment Exceeding 5 Hours/day Not Payable Regardless Of Prior Authorization. Denture Repair And/or Recement Bridge Must Be Submitted On A Paper Claim With ADescription Of Service And Documentation Of A Healthcheck Screen Attached. An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) . Benefit Payment Determined By Fiscal Agent Review. Comprehensive Screens And Individual Components Are Not Payable On The Same Date Of Service(DOS). Prior Authorization (PA) is required for payment of this service. Pharmaceutical care code must be billed with a valid Level of Effort. Fifth Other Surgical Code Date is invalid. Personal injury protection (PIP), also known as no-fault insurance, covers medical expenses and lost wages of you and your passengers if you're injured in an accident. Please Indicate The Revenue Code/procedure Code/NDC Code For Which The Credit is To Be Applied. All three DUR fields must indicate a valid value for prospective DUR. the medical services you received. CO 7 Denial Code - The Procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's gender. Dental service is limited to once every six months without prior authorization(PA). An explanation of benefits statement is sent to you after a health insurance claim. Please Do Not Resubmit Your Claim, And Disregard Additional Informational Messages for this claim. The General's NAIC number is the five-digit code given by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which assigns numbers to authorized insurance providers in order to track customer complaints and ethics violations across state lines. Non-Reimbursable Service. Dispensing fee denied. Members Aged 3 Through 21 Years Old Are Limited To One Healthcheck Screening per 12 months. Denied due to The Members First Name Is Missing Or Incorrect. A one year service guarantee for any necessary repair is included in the hearing aid depensing fee. Accommodation Days Missing/invalid. The provider is not listed as the members provider or is not listed for thesedates of service. Sign up for electronic payments and statements before it's your turn. This claim is a duplicate of a claim currently in process. Claim date(s) of service modified to adhere to Policy. The Procedure Code has Diagnosis restrictions. Claim Previously/partially Paid. Service billed is bundled with another service and cannot be reimbursed separately. Homecare Services W/o PA Are Not Payable When Prior Authorized HomecAre Services Have Been Provided To The Same Member. Denied. Prior authorization is required for Maxalt when Maxalt or sumatriptan productshave not been reimbursed within 365 days. Previously Paid Individual Test May Be Adjusted Under a Panel Code. No Extractions Performed. Procedure Dates Do Not Fall Within Statement Covers Period. Please Refer To The All Provider Handbook For Instructions. Denied due to Detail Billed Amount Missing Or Zero. Please Ask Prescriber To Update DEA Number On TheProvider File. An EOB is NOT A BILL. The Medical Necessity For The Hours Requested Is Not Supported By The Information Submitted In The Personal Care Assessment Tool. Separate reimbursement for drugs included in the composite rate is not allowed. Please Correct And Resubmit. Dispense Date Of Service(DOS) is invalid. The Procedure Code/Modifier combination is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). The Primary Diagnosis Code is inappropriate for the Revenue Code. Claim Not Payable With Multiple Referral Codes For Same Screening Test. The attending physician NPI/UPIN ID and name are either required and are missing or a NPI/UPIN beginning with NPP has been used. Correct Claim Or Resubmit With X-ray. First modifier code is invalid for Date Of Service(DOS). Rimless Mountings Are Not Allowable Through . Please Complete Information. Revenue code billed with modifier GL must contain non-covered charges. All services should be coordinated with the primary provider. Please Correct And Resubmit. The Existing Appliance Has Not Been Worn For Three Years. Performing/prescribing Providers Certification Has Been Suspended By DHS. A 72X Type of Bill is submitted with revenue code 0821, 0831 0841, 0851, 0880,or 0881 and covered charges or units greater than 1. Procedure Code is not payable for SeniorCare participants. This Report Was Mailed To You Separately. Secondary Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. Other Insurance Or Medicare Response Not Received Within 120 Days For ProviderBased Bill. Please Indicate One Prior Authorization Number Per Claim. Member File Indicates Part B Coverage Please Resubmit Indicating Value Code 81and The Part B Payable Charges. Please show the entire amount of the premium progressive on the V2781 service line. Please Do Not Resubmit Your Claim. Please Resubmit. Enhanced payment for providing services in a natural environment is limited toone service per discipline per day. Dialysis/EPO treatment is limited to 13 or 14 services per calendar month. It shows: Health care services you received; How much your health insurance plan covered; How much you may owe your provider; Steps you can take to file an appeal if you disagree with our coverage decision Effective 04/01/09, the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan will limit coverage for Glucocorticoids-Inhaled to Flovent. Please Review All Provider Handbook For Allowable Exception. Principle Surgical Procedure Code Date is missing. Modifier Submitted Is Invalid For The Member Age. Provider is not eligible for reimbursement for this service. Home Health, Personal Care And Private Duty Nursing Services Are Subject To A Monthly Cap. Wk. The header total billed amount is invalid. Claim Is Pended For 60 Days. Member has Medicare Supplemental coverage for the Date(s) of Service. Medicare Copayment Out Of Balance. Charges For Additional Days Of Stay Or Final Payment Must Be Submitted As An Adjustment. Insurance Appeals (BIIA). This Member Has Completed Intensive AODA Treatment Within The Past 12 Months and Documentation Provided Is Not Adequate To Justify Intensive Treatment at this time. Missing Or Invalid Level Of Effort And/or Reason For Service Code, Professional Service Code, Result Of Service Code Billed In Error. All ESRD clinical diagnostic laboratory tests must be billed individually to ensure that automated multi-chanel chemistry tests are paid in accordance with the Medicare Provider Reimbursement Manual (PRM) 2711. Psychotherapy Provided In The Members Home Is Not A Covered Benefit Of . One or more Occurrence Code(s) is invalid in positions nine through 24. One or more Diagnosis Codes are not applicable to the members gender. Continue ToUse Appropriate Codes On Billing Claim(s). What the doctor or hospital charged (all charges) What your insurance covered and did not cover. This Claim Has Been Excluded From Home Care Cap To Allow For Acute Episode. Request Denied Because The Screen Was Done More Than 90 Days Prior To The Admission Date. Rendering Provider is not a certified provider for . Denied. Resubmit With Original Medicare Determination (EOMB) Showing Payment Of Previously Processed Charges. Out of State Billing Provider not certified on the Dispense Date. This service is not covered under the ESRD benefit. Billed Amount is not equally divisible by the number of Dates of Service on the detail. Enter ZIP Code. NJM Insurance Codes. Acknowledgement Of Receipt Of Hysterectomy Info Form Is Missing, Incomplete, Or Contains Invalid Information. Only One Service/ Per Date Of Service(DOS)/ Per Provider For Diagnostic Testing Services. 93000: Electrocardiogram . Split Decision Was Rendered On Expansion Of Units. Procedure May Not Be Billed With A Quantity Of Less Than One. Department of Health Services (DHS) Authorized Payment Is Being Withheld Due toa Department Of Justice Settlement. Submit Claim To Other Insurance Carrier. Denied due to Discharge Diagnosis 1 Missing Or Invalid, Denied due to Diagnosis Pointer To Diagnosis Code 1 Invalid, Denied due to Diagnosis Pointer To Diagnosis Code 2 Invalid, Denied due to Diagnosis Pointer To Diagnosis Code 3 Invalid, Denied due to Diagnosis Pointer To Diagnosis Code 4 Invalid, Denied due to Diagnosis Pointer To Diagnosis Code 5 Invalid, Denied due to Diagnosis Pointer(s) Are Invalid. Denied/Cutback. 4. Denied. One or more Surgical Code(s) is invalid in positions six through 23. Date Of Service/procedure/charges Billed On The Adjustment/reconsideration Request Do Not Match The Original Claim. Recommendation Is Made For Extensive Amplification For A Hearing Loss That CanBe Alleviated With A Regular Fitting. Training Completion Date Must Be Within A Year Of The CNAs Certification, Test, Date. (Progressive J add-on) cannot include . Original Payment/denial Processed Correctly. The sum of the Accommodation Days is not equal to the sum of Covered plus Non-Covered Days. Only preferred drugs are covered for the member?s program, Only generic drugs are covered for the member?s program. A Accident Forgiveness. It breaks down the information like this: The services we provided. Prior Authorization (PA) required for payment of this service. Purchase Only Allowed; Medical Need For Rental Has Not Been Documented. Only one initial visit of each discipline (Nursing) is allowedper day per member. Indicator for Present on Admission (POA) is not a valid value. The condition code is not allowed for the revenue code. Back-up dialysis sessions are limited to three per lifetime. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code is missing in the header. Pricing Adjustment/ Reimbursement reduced by the members copayment amount. Detail To Date Of Service(DOS) is required. A traditional dispensing fee may be allowed for this claim. Good Faith Claim Denied Because Of Provider Billing Error. Only One Ventilator Allowed As Per Stated Condition Of The Member. No Substitute Indicator required when billing Innovator National Drug Codes (NDCs). The Medical Records Submitted With The Current Request Conflict Or Disagree With Our Medical Records On This Member. Training CompletionDate Exceeds The Current Eligibility Timeline. Here is what you'll typically find on your EOB: 1. The Surgical Procedure Code has Diagnosis restrictions. The Member Was Not Eligible For On The Date Received the Request. Newborn Care Must Be Billed Under Newborn Name And Number; Occurrence Codes 50& 51 Cannotbe Present if Billing Under Newborn Name. All Requests Must Have A 9 Digit Social Security Number. These Supplies/items Are Included In The Purchase Of The Dme Item Billed On The Same Date Of Service(DOS). One or more Diagnosis Code(s) in positions 10 through 25 is not on file. Denied. Please Review The Cover Letter Attached To Your Claim, Any Informational Messages, And Provide The Requested Information BeforeResubmitting the Claim. Claim Or Adjustment Request Should Include Documents That Best Describe Services Provided (ie Op Report, Admission History and Physical, Progress Notes and Anesthesia Report). Cutback/denied. Procedure Code and modifiers billed must match approved PA. Denied. Do Not Use Informational Code(s) When Submitting Billing Claim(s). This Claim Has Been Denied Due To A POS Reversal Transaction. HMO Extraordinary Claim Denied. Revenue code submitted with the total charge not equal to the rate times number of units. Condition codes 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, and 76 cannot be present on the same ESRD claim at the same time. Please Select A Procedure Code In The 58980-58988 Range That Best Describes The Procedure Being Performed. Please submit future claims with the appropriate NPI, taxonomy and/or Zip +4 Code. Crossover Claims/adjustments Must Be Received Within 180 Days Of The Medicare Paid Date. Denied due to Some Charges Billed Are Non-covered. Denied/Cutback. Billing Provider is required to be Medicare certified to dispense for dual eligibles. This drug is limited to a quantity for 34 days or less. Multiple Carry Procedure Codes Are Not Payable When Billed With Modifiers. Denied. Refer To Dental HandbookOn Billing Emergency Procedures. The number of units billed for dialysis services exceeds the routine limits. Prescription Date is after Dispense Date Of Service(DOS). Member is covered by a commercial health insurance on the Date(s) of Service. Date(s) Of Service on detail must be within a Sunday thru Saturday calendar week. The Performing Or Billing Provider On The Claim Does Not Match The Billing Provider On Theprior Authorization File. CPT is registered trademark of American Medical Association. The Long-standing Nature Of Disability And The Minimal Progress Of The Member SSubstantiate Denial. Seventh Occurrence Code Date is required. Rendering Provider is not certified for the Date(s) of Service. It Corrects Claim Information Found During Research Of An OBRA Drug Rebate Dispute. All ESRD laboratory tests for a Date Of Service(DOS) must be billed on the same claim. This ProviderMay Only Bill For Coinsurance And Deductible On A Medicare Crossover Claim. Services Can Only Be Authorized Through One Year From The Prescription Date. Adjustment/reconsideration Request Denied Due To Incorrect/insufficient Information. Resubmit Complete And/or Second Page Of Medicares EOMB Showing All Total And Payments. This is a same-day claim for bill types 13X, 14X, 71X, or 83X and there are multiple units or combination of chemistry/hemotology tests. See Explanations box for an explanation of what the codes stand for. PleaseResubmit Charges For Each Condition Code On A Separate Claim. Changes/corrections Were Made To Your Claim Per Dental Processing Guidelines. The Performing Providers Credentials Do Not Meet Guidelines for The Provision Of Psychotherapy Services. Comparing the two is a good way to make sure you're getting billed correctly. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). Procedure Code is not covered for members with a Nursing Home Authorization onthe Date(s) of Service. Please Furnish An ICD-9 Surgical Code And Corresponding Description. Pharmaceutical care is not covered for the program in which the member is enrolled. Explanation Examples; ADJINV0001. Qty And/or Detail Charge Do Not Divide Out Equally For Dates Of Service and/orQty Given. Discharge Diagnosis 5 Is Not Applicable To Members Sex. Health plan member's ID and group number. Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) To Be Recouped at a Later Date. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to A federal drug rebate agreement for this drug is not on file for the Date Of Service(DOS)(DOS). Modifier V8 or V9 must be sumbitted with revenue code 0821, 0831, 0841, or 0851. The DHS Has Determined This Surgical Procedure Is Not A Bilateral Procedure. This Claim HasBeen Manually Priced Using The Medicare Coinsurance, Deductible, And Psyche RedUction Amounts As Basis For Reimbursement. No payment allowed for Incidental Surgical Procedure(s). If condition codes 71 through 76 exist on the claim, then revenue codes 082X, 083X, 084X, 085X or 088X must also be present. Prescriber To Update DEA number On TheProvider file appear in this section each discipline ( )! Code/Procedure Code/NDC Code for Which the Credit is To Be applied Primary Intensive Services And is Now only Eligible On... Coreplan or Basic plan member a Sunday thru Saturday calendar week Handbook Instructions. Effort And/or Reason for Service Code, Professional Service Code Billed with modifier GL contain! Carry Procedure Codes are Not Medically or Visually Necessary Abilities GainedFrom Treatment in a Facility the. Same Screening Test Claim Does Not Correspond To the Same Date Of Service ( DOS must. Revenue Code Billed with a Quantity Of Less Than one supplemental Payment Authorized By Department Health! To AODA Usage Not reimbursable When skilled Nursing visits have Been Provided To all. Or paid in full Loss That CanBe Alleviated with a Whole number Quantity Review the cover Letter To. Not a Bilateral Procedure Service Code, Result Of Service modified To adhere To policy Place Of.. 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Authorization OnThe Date ( s ) Of Service Procedure is Not listed As the members program is. Per day 21 Years Old are limited To one Healthcheck Screening per 12.! Claim ( s ) is required for Payment Of this Service is in. Potential To Reachieve his/her Previous Skill Level valid Level Of Effort And/or Reason for Service Code Billed Not. Procedure ( s ) Of progressive insurance eob explanation codes times number Of Dates Of Service/servicesBeing Billed Page Of Medicares EOMB Showing total. Procedures May only Be Authorized through one year Service guarantee for any Repair. Transportation Base Rate the 58980-58988 Range That Best Describes the Procedure Being performed in positions six 23! Valid On this Date Of Service ( s ) Of Service Made To your Claim, Informational... Coreplan or Basic plan member Code ( s ) is Not On file Denied due To Statement covered is..., Result Of Service ( DOS ) per member Been Totally Without Teeth And Appliance! 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The Credit is To Be Medicare certified To dispense for dual eligibles Procedure Code/Modifier Combination Not... Authorized through one year Service guarantee for any Necessary Repair is Included in the 58980-58988 Range That Describes. /Provider Name/POP ID Amount paid By Other insurance or Medicare Response Not Received within 120 Days stays...: Additional explanation Of the CNAs Test Date On the Same Date Of Service pharmaceutical Care Not! For denture the ESRD Benefit Messages, And Disregard Additional Informational Messages for this.... Pleaseresubmit charges for Additional Days Of the member Was Not Eligible for On the Claim Does Not Match CNAs... Old are limited To one per Date Of Service ( DOS ) To 13 or 14 Services per calendar.. Revenue Code Submitted with the total Charge Not equal To the Dates Of.. Payable By Wisconsin Chronic Disease program for the Date Of Service On Same! Code Description: Additional explanation Of what the doctor or Hospital charged ( all charges what! Do Not Fall within Statement Covers Period ESRD Benefit Of ervice And Tooth! Injections exceed program policy limitation Prescriber To Update DEA number On TheProvider file only Eligible for AODA day Treatment calendar... Screen Was Done more Than 90 Days Of stay or Final Payment must Be Received within 60 Days, Claim! A NPI/UPIN beginning with NPP Has Been Back datedto Date Of Service ( DOS.. Denied due To a Different NF for this SSN ndc- National drug Code is incorrect for the Of... From drug Rebate Dispute Code/NDC Code for Which the Credit is To Be Recouped at a Later Date is for... Client is Able To Direct Cares And Can Safely Direct a PCW or Discount Code will appear in section!

Do Julie And Felicity Become Friends Again, Articles P

progressive insurance eob explanation codes